CGAP Improves Every Step of Case Analysis
CGAP has developed a unique end-to-end case overview so you have access to every step of your workflow in one workspace
CGAP Improves Every Step of Case Analysis
CGAP has developed a unique end-to-end case overview so you have access to every step of your workflow in one workspace
CGAP Improves Every Step of Case Analysis
CGAP has developed a unique end-to-end case overview so you have access to every step of your workflow in one workspace
Upload Your Case for Custom Analysis
• Accession Sample Data • Ingest Family History • Interactive Pedigrees • Structured Phenotype & Disease Data • Upload Sequencing Files • WES and WGS • Proband, Trio & Other Family Structures • Raw Sequencing Files (VCF format coming soon)
Upload Your Case for Custom Analysis
• Accession Sample Data • Ingest Family History • Interactive Pedigrees • Structured Phenotype & Disease Data • Upload Sequencing Files • WES and WGS • Proband, Trio & Other Family Structures • Raw Sequencing Files (VCF format coming soon)
Modular Bioinformatic Pipelines Optimized for Speed & Accuracy
• Inheritance Mode Awareness • Optimized De Novo & Rare Variant Calling • Quality Control Metric Dashboard ✓ FASTQ, BAM, and VCF QC analysis ✓ Sex and Ancestry Confirmation ✓ Mendelian Errors Assessment • Provenance Graph to View Pipeline Processing • Multisample Analysis • SNV, InDels, SV, and CNV Analysis
Modular Bioinformatic Pipelines Optimized for Speed & Accuracy
• Inheritance Mode Awareness • Optimized De Novo & Rare Variant Calling • Quality Control Metric Dashboard ✓ FASTQ, BAM, and VCF QC analysis ✓ Sex and Ancestry Confirmation ✓ Mendelian Errors Assessment • Provenance Graph to View Pipeline Processing • Multisample Analysis • SNV, InDels, SV, and CNV Analysis
Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Analysis
• Filter by Multiple Gene & Variant Properties & More ✓ Custom Gene Lists ✓ Variant Quality ✓ Inheritance Modes ✓ Variant Consequences ✓ Population Frequencies ✓ Constraint Scores • Build Customized Filter Blocks • Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Filtering • Define Project Filter Presets for One-Click Filtering
Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Analysis
• Filter by Multiple Gene & Variant Properties & More ✓ Custom Gene Lists ✓ Variant Quality ✓ Inheritance Modes ✓ Variant Consequences ✓ Population Frequencies ✓ Constraint Scores • Build Customized Filter Blocks • Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Filtering • Define Project Filter Presets for One-Click Filtering
Seamless Technical Review
• Complete Technical Review & Notes on Variants • Select Technical Reasoning for Call & No Call Decisions • Review and Approve Decisions to Move Variants • Save Technical Notes to your Knowledgebase
Seamless Technical Review
• Complete Technical Review & Notes on Variants • Select Technical Reasoning for Call & No Call Decisions • Review and Approve Decisions to Move Variants • Save Technical Notes to your Knowledgebase
Perform Comprehensive Cohort Analysis
• Browse jointly called Whole genomes • Explore & Assess coding & non-coding variants • Compare gene and variant level statistics across cases and controls
Perform Comprehensive Cohort Analysis
• Browse jointly called Whole genomes • Explore & Assess coding & non-coding variants • Compare gene and variant level statistics across cases and controls
Explore with BAM, Annotation, Structural Variant & Cohort Browsers
• Access Detailed Annotation Space for Variant, Gene, and Sample • Interact with Integrated CGAP Browsers for Data Visualization • Visualize Variant Annotations in the Annotation Browser • Review the sequencing reads in the BAM Browser • Assess your structural variants with the SV Browser • Quickly Navigate to SV Breakpoints
Explore with BAM, Annotation, Structural Variant & Cohort Browsers
• Access Detailed Annotation Space for Variant, Gene, and Sample • Interact with Integrated CGAP Browsers for Data Visualization • Visualize Variant Annotations in the Annotation Browser • Review the sequencing reads in the BAM Browser • Assess your structural variants with the SV Browser • Quickly Navigate to SV Breakpoints
ACMG Interpretation & Discovery Analysis in One Place
• Add Gene & Variant Notes to Your Case • Invoke ACMG Rules and Review Variant Classification • Prioritize Variants and Genes for Discovery Analysis
ACMG Interpretation & Discovery Analysis in One Place
• Add Gene & Variant Notes to Your Case • Invoke ACMG Rules and Review Variant Classification • Prioritize Variants and Genes for Discovery Analysis
Save Your Variant Notes to Your Project Knowledge Base & Report
• Review Interpretation Notes on Genes & Variants • Save your final Notes to Report, Project, and/or Knowledge Base • Organize Variants by tags for your report tables • Review your Case prior to Report Generation
Save Your Variant Notes to Your Project Knowledge Base & Report
• Review Interpretation Notes on Genes & Variants • Save your final Notes to Report, Project, and/or Knowledge Base • Organize Variants by tags for your report tables • Review your Case prior to Report Generation
Customize & Deliver Informative Reports
• Summarize Your Main Findings in Custom Tables • Present Selected Variant and Gene Interpretation Notes • Add Custom Sections To Your Report ✓ Methodology ✓ Tested Genes ✓ References • Add Logos and Design to Represent Your Organization/Project
Customize & Deliver Informative Reports
• Summarize Your Main Findings in Custom Tables • Present Selected Variant and Gene Interpretation Notes & Details • Add Custom Sections To Your Report ✓ Methodology ✓ Tested Genes ✓ References • Choose The Logo And Design To Represent Your Organization/Project
Upload Your Case for Custom Analysis
• Accession Sample Data • Ingest Family History • Interactive Pedigrees • Structured Phenotype & Disease Data • Upload Sequencing Files • WES and WGS • Proband, Trio & Other Family Structures • Raw Sequencing Files (VCF format coming soon)
Modular Bioinformatic Pipelines Optimized for Speed & Accuracy
• Inheritance Mode Awareness • Optimized De Novo & Rare Variant Calling • Quality Control Metric Dashboard ✓ FASTQ, BAM, and VCF QC analysis ✓ Sex and Ancestry Confirmation ✓ Mendelian Errors Assessment • Provenance Graph to View Pipeline Processing • Multisample Analysis • SNV, InDels, SV, and CNV Analysis
Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Analysis
• Filter by Multiple Gene & Variant Properties & More ✓ Custom Gene Lists ✓ Variant Quality ✓ Inheritance Modes ✓ Variant Consequences ✓ Population Frequencies ✓ Constraint Scores • Build Customized Filter Blocks • Integrated SNV/Indels & CNV/SV Filtering • Define Project Filter Presets for One-Click Filtering
Seamless Technical Review
• Complete Technical Review & Notes on Variants • Select Technical Reasoning for Call & No Call Decisions • Review and Approve Decisions to Move Variants • Save Technical Notes to your Knowledgebase
Perform Comprehensive Cohort Analysis
• Browse jointly called Whole genomes • Explore & Assess coding & non-coding variants • Compare gene and variant level statistics across cases and controls
Explore with BAM, Annotation, Structural Variant & Cohort Browsers
• Access Detailed Annotation Space for Variant, Gene, and Sample • Interact with Integrated CGAP Browsers for Data Visualization • Visualize Variant Annotations in the Annotation Browser • Review the sequencing reads in the BAM Browser • Assess your structural variants with the SV Browser • Quickly Navigate to SV Breakpoints
ACMG Interpretation & Discovery Analysis in One Place
• Add Gene & Variant Notes to Your Case • Invoke ACMG Rules and Review Variant Classification • Prioritize Variants and Genes for Discovery Analysis
Save Your Variant Notes to Your Project Knowledge Base & Report
• Review Interpretation Notes on Genes & Variants • Save your final Notes to Report, Project, and/or Knowledge Base • Organize Variants by tags for your report tables • Review your Case prior to Report Generation
Customize & Deliver Informative Reports
• Summarize Your Main Findings in Custom Tables • Present Selected Variant and Gene Interpretation Notes • Add Custom Sections To Your Report ✓ Methodology ✓ Tested Genes ✓ References • Add Logos and Design to Represent Your Organization/Project

Copyright 2022 President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2022 President and Fellows of Harvard College.

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2022 President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved.